Project  Details

Problem Statement Title

Identification of Different Medicinal Plants/Raw materials through Image Processing Using Machine Learning Algorithms*


India, with a rich heritage of floral diversity, is well-known for its medicinal plant wealth, but their identification is one of the major burning issues in Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics. Several crude drugs are being sold under the same name in the market leading to confusion and their misidentification. Even the collectors and traders are not completely aware of the exact morphological appearance or differentiating attributes of the many drugs owing to seasonal and geographical availability, and similar characteristics. Moreover, the extensive consumption to meet demand-supply ratio exerts a heavy strain on the existing resources. It further leads to the practice of adulteration, substitution, and disbelief in the curative capability of the system eventually. Thus, software capable of identifying different medicinal plants/ raw materials through Image Processing Using Different Machine Learning Algorithms will be of immense use. It will be helpful at every level viz. wholesaler, distributor, etc. of the supply chain of raw material being utilized in the system.*